Thursday, 19 December 2013


Auzu Billaahi Minash Shaitaanir Rajim Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem Assalaatu Wassalaamu Alayka Ya Rasoolallah Sallal Laahu Ta’ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam

Marriage Wazifa for every single one :

If any person want to have with a pious partner, with the Blessed Waseelah Of Habib Pak Sallal Laahu Ta’ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam then one should have to recite this dua daily for 7, 11 or 13 times daily along Darood e Paak 7 times before and after this Dua. At the end with the firm belief do Dua for oneself. With the Blessed Waseelah Of Habib Pak Sallal Laahu Ta’ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam, Insha Allah Azzawajal it will givesmarvelous results( effective both for boys and girls) Rabbana Hablana min azwaajina wadhurriy-yatina, qurrata ‘ayioni wa-jalna lil-muttaqeena Imaama “Our Lord, soothe our eyes with our wives and our children, and make us leaders of the pious.”


Marriage Wazifa Just for Girls: 
1. This wird is only for girls, To be recited 11 times daily along Darood Paak before and after it. Must be read it until the day Of Nikaah and at the end ask dua with the Blessed Waseelah Of Habib Pak Sallal Laahu Ta’ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam. Insha Allah Azzawajal you will get a pious partner(Husband) according to the Will of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala :)

Wa min kullay shai’in zowjaini La Allakum tazakkaruna .Allah Humma bi Haqqi qauwlika Haaza wa Bi Hurmati Nabbiyika Muhammadi Sallal Laahu Ta’ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam an tarzuqani(name of the girl if the girl is not reciting for herself) zauwjan Saaliham Muwafiqan ghaira muhalifin bay haqqi Sayyidina wa Mauwlana Muhammadiwin’ wa Aalyhi Ajmaeen.

Wazifa for Parents for the Marriage of their Children:
One (either mother or father) should have to recite it on daily basis, until the problem is solved.

Recite 11 times Darood Paak before and after.
Its very better to recite this powerful verse for your problem 313 times, preferably after Ishaa Salaat but you can also do it whenever free if you are having difficulties to recite it after Ishaa Salaat.
After the completion of this wird do Pray With the Blessed Waseelah Of Habib Pak Sallal Laahu Ta’ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam, Insha Allah very soon you will get the desired results according to the will of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.
the Ayaah is following:

‘Amman Yujību Al-Muđţarra ‘Idhā Da`āhu Wa Yakshifu As-Sū’a ‘
1.No doubt All type of Wazaif and Wirds have 100 percent results but the need is that one who is going to start them ,,,he/she should be very punctual in his/her Salaats, having proper beliefs regarding Islaam Sharia’ah( belonging to Ahle Sunnat Jama’at, one shoulld have to be very contented with Allah’s Decision ,,,means to say having Kaamil Imaan in Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala.and one should try to avoid to suffer others(Muslims) from his/her act, hand , tongue… Insha Allah Azzawajal then see the results…… they will be must 8-) 8-) 8-) superb. :)
2.These wazaif have positive effects , if the problems are genuine and legal and if these are used for any type of wrong purposes, then it has reverse effects on the situation..and can be harmful for such person in many be very clear and aware before going to use it…….what shari’ah says……Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala knows very well about our intentions and Niyyats(matter of hearts).
3.consistency is also a basic rule to recite any Wazaif , Wirds or Daroods to get its maximum benefits….any Tasbeeh or Wird gives vital results when it exceeds 300 times,so its very better to choose any one according to your choice and ease and try to be consistent and stick on it.
4.Always do Dua after making proper Isslae Thawaab and ask Your Duas from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’alaWith the Blessed Waseelah Of Habib Pak Sallal Laahu Ta’ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam and Ahly Bait Atthaar and Peeran e Peer Ghousal Aazam Dastageer Sayyedina Hazrat Abdul Qadar Jeelani Qaddas Allahu Sirrahul Azeez & All Auwliyaah of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala . Aameen Ya Rabbal Aalmin , Ya Mjeebuddawaat , Ya Samiud-dua,Wa Ya Ahamarrahimin. Sallu Alal Habib Salli Ala Muhammad Sallal Laahu Ta’ala Alayhi Wa Sallam.
Insha Allah Azzawajal if one consider these rules in mind and do practice them in one’s life…there is no reason left behind to hinder in the way of success :)      
Marriage Wazifa for everyone whose marriage is bounded by any type of difficulty:
If any virgin girl or boy facing difficulty in one’s marriage due to the finance problem or that one is not able to get the fitted spouse for him/her or having any type of Bandish(obstacle) in Marriage then parents (either mother or father should have to do the following Aamaal).
Mother or father should have to wake up after midnight (preferably at 2 am)….and after making wazzu, with full and firm belief in Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala one should have to read 2 Cycles Nafil and after it without talking to any one else should have to read “Ya Khabeeru” 823 times…(remember to recite 11 times Darood Paak) before and after of it and do dua and see its amazing and marvelous results. 
Marriage Wazifa for everyone:
1*One should have to recite after Ishaa prayer or before going to sleep, 41 times Ayat Ul Kursi, 11 times Darood shareef before and after of this wird and make dua for anything you want , any difficulty to disappear or for its solution, specifically its good even for job or marriage etc, Insha Allah it works. 

2* Do recite 41 times Surah Ikhlas after Isha Prayer 11 times Darood shareef before and after of this wird for ninety(90) days for marriage.

 Marriage Wazifa for Girls whose marriage is bounded due to any type of difficulty 
Some virgin girls have problems in getting married due to some hurdle (bandish) because of the bad eye, jealousy, or magic particularly the girls who are suffering from such type of problems , this Blessed Wird is indeed a great blessing for them Insha Allah Azzawajal 

this wird is attested several times even on those Girls who are aged and 100 % guaranteed. One should have to recite Suraah Jummah 21 times,(11 times Darood Paak) before and after of this Wird). consecutively 3 Fridays..means to say just on each Friday One should have to recite it. and Select the Friday on after the Islamic Month starts,,,for it the Best to choose the first Friday ,,if not possible then 2nd Friday of Islamic Month.
If the Girl find it difficult or due to some other genuine reason she could not be able to do it personally then her Mother , father , sister or Brother can do this Amal (Wird) for her. 
Note: If you (people have already have some pious and right Rishtaa (proposal) in mind then do it with this Niiyah (intention).otherwise do it generally for the Proposal attainment. 
Insha Allah Azzawajal within the one Month Proposals will come for her and her marriage will be made with the suitable Spouse(Husband).

Marriage Wazaaif for everyone:
1.For Marriage :Read 100 times ” Aliy-ul-Azim ” & 3 times Ayat-ul-Qursi after every Namaz ,starting & ending with 3 times Darood shareef & pray.
2.For Marriage of virgin girl: recite ” Ya-Lateefo ” 100 times after Isha , starting & ending with 3 times Darood sahrif.
3. For Marriage : Read ” Ya-Lateefo ” 129 times in Saj-da after Maghrib, starting & ending with 3 times Darood sahrif.
4. For Marriage : Read ” Ya-Lateefo ” 800 times daily , starting & ending with 3/5/7/11 times Darood sahrif.
5.For Marriage : Virgin girl / virgin boy recite ” 41 times Surah Yaseen ” starting & ending with 3 times Darood shareef & pray.Read FOR consecutive 21 days & remember start on Friday.
Marriage Wazaaif for everyone:
1.For Marriage : Read 21 times ” Suraah -Alam-Nasra ” after Zohar for 11 days.
2. For Marriage : Read 41 times ” Suraah-Al-Mozammill ” on Friday after Isha & pray for marriage.
3.For Marriage : Recite ” Ayatul Kursi 21 times & 1 Tasbeeh of Darood Sahrif & 1 Tasbeeh of Istighfaar Daily ” after every Namaz.
4.For Wishes : Read ” 786 times Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem & 786 times Darood Sahrif ” & pray for wishes..
Salat ul Haajat for Marriage:
After the Ishaa prayer on Monday, with fresh ablution and in privacy say a 4 rakah prayer with one salaam with the intention for seeking the fulfillment of a need. 1st Rakah=Surah Fatiha then Surah Ikhlas 10 times
2nd Rakah=Surah Fatiha then Surah Ikhlas 20 times
3rd Rakah=Surah Fatiha then Surah Ikhlas 30 times
4th Rakah=Surah Fatiha then Surah Ikhlas 40 times

After saying Salam don’t talk to anyone and recite whole heartedly the following respectively:
Surah Ikhlas 75 times, Istaghfar(Allahum Aig-fr-li ) 75 times . Darood Shareef 75 times,
Then pray for marriage (best) , if you do not see any response , read again on Monday. Insha Allah you will surely get success. In any case with humility and respectfully with a pure heart and you are halaal (legal) in every manner then your prayers are sure to be answered Insha’Allah.
Very easy wazifa to do:
You will be married inshallah within 21 days.
After every Fajr salah read ayet no 36 of surah yasin 100 times. Darood/Salavat 1 time before and after. Then do a dua for yourself or for your son or daughter.
Anyone can do this vazife. You can do it for your brother, sister or even a friend. Continue until you are married or the person you are doing it for, gets married. The duration of this vazife is 21 days minimum.
Tried and Tested Wazifa: 
It works each time any one has ever done it. It can also be done by anyone for anyone.
Everyday at a fixed time and fixed place read
Darood/Salavat 11 times.
Surah Rehman 3 times daily
Darood/Salavat 11 times.

Please do it until you or your daughter gets married. I repeat time has to fixed and the place as well.
Always do a dua after reading. If you are doing it for another person please take their name in the dua.
Insallah within 21 days you or the person you doing it for, will get married.
If you are not Getting Married:
 please read this Ayet 24 hours a day in your mouth all the time. With wudu or without wudu. You are clean or not clean. Just keep on reading it. For women even if you have periods don’t stop. Inshallah with in days you will get married.

Surah Yusuf, Ayet no 86 [image]
“Inna ma asku wa bassi wa huzni ilallah”
This method was told by a Wali Allah to a person in her dream. This is the famous dua of the Prophet Yaqub (Alai his salam). It works like fire if you are adhering to 5 times salah and Islamic laws.
Inshallah you will get married within few weeks. Do not doubt the power of duas told in Quran.
Wazifa for Marriage:
Darood/Salavat 11 times
Surah Mumtahina(=Surah 60, has only 13 verses) 7 times
Darood/Salavat 11 times..then do a dua.
Do this for 41 days. Inshallah you will get married within 41 days. Continue even if you get married. You must complete 41 days. that is the condition of this wazifa.

If you are not getting married for some reason, for 21 days read this Ayet 1000 times each day.
Darood 11 times
Surah Furqan Ayet no 54………….1000 times
Darood 11 times
Insallah you will be married with in 21 days. This is a tried and tested wazifa.

You will get married in 21 days if you do this vazifa. You do it and see the effects yourself. Don’t doubt it, just trust Allah and the power of Quran. You will see. Even if you get married in these 21 days please do not stop. Complete it for 21 days. After getting married your niyet is for shukkur and don’t forget to send me some sweets too.(I am joking).
Darood/Salavat 11 times
319 times Ayet no 1, 2, and 3 of Surah Al Imran.
Do not read them separately 319 times but read all 3 Ayets as one Ayet.
[image] Darood/Salavat 11 times
Then do a dua like this ….”Ya Allah I want to marry some one of your choice who is suitable for me”.
virgin girls have problems:
:)Some virgin girls have problems in getting married due to some bandish(HURDLE)…..hurdle because of the bad eye, jealousy, or magic particularly the girls who are suffering from such type of problems , this Blessed Wird is indeed a great blessing for them Insha Allah Azzawajal 
this wird is attested several times even on those Girls who are aged and 100 % guaranteed. One should have to recite Suraah Jummah 21 times,(11 times Darood Paak) before and after of this Wird). consecutively 3 Fridays..means to say just on each Friday One should have to recite it. and Select the Friday on after the Islamic Month starts,,,for it the Best to choose the first Friday ,,if not possible then 2nd Friday of Islamic Month.
If the Girl find it difficult or due to some other genuine reason she could not be able to do it personally then her Mother , father , sister or Brother can do this Amal( Wird) for her. Note: If you(people have already have some pious and right Rishtaa(proposal) in mind then do it with this Niiyah(intention).otherwise do it generally for the Proposal attainment. 
Insha Allah Azzawajal with in the one Month Proposals will come for her and her marriage will be made with the suitable Spouse(Husband)
Marriage Wazifa for everyone whose marriage is bounded by any type of difficulty:
If any virgin girl or boy facing difficulty in one’s marriage due to the finance problem or that one is not able to get the fitted spouse for him/her or having any type of Bandish(obstacle) in Marriage then parents (either mother or father should have to do the following Aamaal).
Mother or father should have to wake up after midnight (preferably at 2 am)….and after making wazzu, with full and firm belief in Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala one should have to read 2 Cycles Nafil and after it without talking to any one else should have to read “Ya Khabeeru” 823 times…(remember to recite 11 times Darood Paak) before and after of it and do dua and see its amazing and marvelous results. Insha Allah 
Salat ul Haajat for Marriage:After the Ishaa prayer on Monday, with fresh ablution and in privacy say a 4 rakah prayer with one salaam with the intention for seeking the fulfillment of a need. 1st Rakah=Surah Fatiha then Surah Ikhlas 10 times
2nd Rakah=Surah Fatiha then Surah Ikhlas 20 times
3rd Rakah=Surah Fatiha then Surah Ikhlas 30 times
4th Rakah=Surah Fatiha then Surah Ikhlas 40 times

After saying Salam don’t talk to anyone and recite whole heartedly the following respectively:

Surah Ikhlas 75 times, Istaghfar(Allahum Aig-fr-li ) 75 times . Darood Shareef 75 times,
Then pray for marriage (best) , if you do not see any response , read again on Monday. Insha Allah you will surely get success. In any case with humility and respectfully with a pure heart and you are halaal (legal) in every manner then your prayers are sure to be answered Insha’Allah.

Wazifa for Marriage

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرجیم
May Allaah Ta'aala bless you with the most compatible companion who will be a means of steadfastness on Deen for you, as well as a means of gaining closeness to Allaah and producing pious offspring. Ameen.

Here are some A'maal our pious predecessors have prescribed. Though these are not taken from the Hadeeth, they are tried and tested, and inspired to the Awliya of Allaah. Bear in mind that it is merely a manner of asking Allaah with the Barakah of specific verses of the Qur'aan. For the acceptance of du'a, it is necessary that one's food, clothes etcetera are of Halaal nature. Along with that one should have full faith and conviction that Allaah will accept his plea.

1. After Esha Salaah. recite Durood Shareef 11 times, followed by "يا لطيف" (Ya Lateefu) 111 times, and again Durood Shareef 11 times. Thereafter make du'a to Allaah, inshaAllaah, Allaah will make matters easy for you. 

2. Write verses 131 and 132 of Surah Tahaa (Surah 20) and tie it on to your right upper arm. 

3. Recite Surah al-Mumtahinah (Surah 60) once daily for 21 consecutive days, after Esha Salaah and blow on your forehead.

4. Recite verse 36 of Surah Yaseen (Suran 36) 121 times every night.

5. Recite "Rabbi innee limaa anzalta ilayya min kharin faqeer" (a part of verse 24 of Surah 28) 113 times, followed by the recitation of Surah ad-Dhuha (Surah 93) 3 times, from the first till the eleventh of every Islamic Month. Continue this for three months.

And Allaah Ta'aala knows best.


If you are not getting married please read this Ayet 24 hours a day in your mouth all the time. With wudu or  without wudu. You are clean or not clean. Just keep on reading it. For women even if you have periods don’t stop. Inshallah with in days you will get married.
Surah Yusuf, Ayet no 86 
انما اشکو بثی و حزنی الی اللہ
“Inna ma ashku bassi va huzni ilallah”
This method was told by a Wali Allah to a person in her dream. This is the famous dua of the Prophet Yaqub (Alai his salam). It works like fire if you are adhering to 5 times salah and Islamic laws.
Inshallah you will get married within few weeks. Do not doubt the power of duas told in Quran.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Wazifa for marriage,Shadi ka liye Wazifa in Urdu

shadi kay liye wazifa urdu 

Jo larka ya larki shadi karna chahtay hoon wo ya unkay parents ya koi aur is wazifay ko un kay liye kar sakte hein. Mohtaram Islami bahiyo jis ki shadi na hoti ho, aur wo pareshan ho wo isay 1414 martaba sotay waqt parhay InshaAllah shadi ho jae gi.
Hasool e Rishta ka wazifa

Wazifa for marriage:

The girl /boy who wants to marry either he or she or his or her parents can do this wazifa for their childerns. This is very easy and Mujarrab tested Wazifa InshaAllah you will seen results in short time all you need to do is recite,
Ya Wajidu 1414 Times before sleeping InshaAllah he or she will soon get married.

Wazifa For Love Marriage / Pasand ki Shadi ka Wazaif

Here is wazifa for love marriage, if you want to do love marriage and you are facing problems from both sides from girl parents and your parents please try this wazifa for marriage. For those boys who want to marry the girl they love, girl wants to marry boy she loves. so this wazifa is helpful in both cases. Wazifa for love between husband and wife

All you need to do is:

Read these Aayaats after morning prayer ( Fajar ) 61 times, After Zohar 71 times. After Asar 81 times After Maghrib 91 times and last after Esha 101 times.

Double Click on image for large preview

Larka ya larki ki shadi ka wazifa

Pasand Ki Shadi ka Amal

This is a Roohani Wazifa for Love and this is a spiritual method for only those who really want a true love.

  • Read Surah-e-Ikhlas 105 times for 21 days after Fajar Prayer or Esha Prayer keeping the loved one in mind .
Amal kay lawazmaat, points for amal/wazifa
Here below are some points for amal if you keep these points then the result will be 100% InshAllah.
1. Shadi ki neyat say perhna (khaloos e Neyat)
2. Rizq e Halal ki pabandi
3. Amal k doran namaz aur baqi arkaan ki pabandi
4. Amal Ijazat lay ker kia jaye.
5. Ager talib ya matloob per kisi kisam k jadu/jinnat k asraat zeyada hou tu pehly un ka ilaj kia jaye
6. Amal say pehly ager 2 rakat salat u Toba perh ker Allah say apny gunahou ki mafi maang li jaye aur amal ki kamyabi k leye dua ki jaye.
7. Awal akhir 7 ya 11 bar Darood shareef perha jaye.
8. amal k doran maqsad (matloob) ka kamil tasawur kia jaye aur akhir may apna aur matloob ka naam (with mothe name) lay ker dua ki jaye. aur akhir may tasawur may he us ki taraf phoonk mari jaye.
9. Amal Monday ko ya Thursday ko shuru kia jaye aur pehly din jis waqt perhy rozana pher usi waqt perha jaye.
10. Amal ka kisi say zikar na kary aur Allah ki zaat say na’umeed na huwa jaye
11. Amal shuru kerny say pehly saqda (apni haseyat k mutabiq) dia jaye.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Shadi Hone Ki Dua

Shadi Hone Ki Dua 
Islam is the true religion and it provide the clear guide line for its followers in all aspects of life, so in this way whenever there is a legal problem arise Islam provide the solution for that particular problem according to the light of Holy Quran.Through Quranic verses you can heal your illness and other spiritual problems and delays in your daily tasks.The given Dua ( Pray) is for early wedding and for marriage of your own choice it mean love marriage. Recite the given dua according to the guide and then Insh Allah you will get the desire result through these Dua.
Shadi Ki Dua

Tuesday, 25 June 2013


1. To create or develop love between husband and wife recite surah Ya Sin 7 times and every time blow breath through the palm of the right hand on 7 almonds separately and give them to your spouse of eating all of them.

2. To create or develop love between husband and wife recite BISMILLAAHIR RAHMAN NIR RAHIM 786 times on a glass of clean (pure) water and give it to your spouse for drinking.

3. To remove misunderstanding and discord and instead create love and understanding between husband and wife recite surah al Jumu-ah (chapter 62) on Friday and invoke the almighty Allah to fulfill your desire.

4. To create or develop love between husband and wife recite surah al Quraysh (chapter 106) on roses and both of them should smell the.

5. To remove misunderstanding and discord and instead create love and understanding between husband and wife recite as many times as possible. “AL MAANI-U” (the preventer)

6. To create or develop love and understanding between husband and wife recite 1000 times : “AL WADOODU” [ the affectionate ] and every time blow breath through the palm of the right hand on some 

7. To create or develop love between husband and wife recite surah al Muzzammil (chapter 73) 41 times and every time blow breath through the palm of the right hand on some sweet eatables and give it to your spouse to eat.

8. To remove discord and separation between husband and wife and to bring themselves in to harmony again one of them should recite the following dua on some fresh fragrant flowers with full concentration and send them to the other spouse for smelling them. Say 11 times salawat: “ ALLAAHUMMA S’ALLI A’LAA MUH’AMMADIN WA AALI MUH’AMMAD” [ O my Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the progency of Muhammed. ]

Then say :
[Allah is He whose help is to be sough against what you describe O my helper. O my affectionate Lord, save me from every anguish.]
 Then say 11 times salawat :

9. If the husband is displeased with the wife, she should recite the following verse 165 of al Baarah on some sweat eatables and give it to him to eat. Inshallah soon there will be a positive result.

And yet there are some among men who take for themselves objects of worship besides Allah whom they love as they love Allah; but the believers are stronger in love for Allah. And if those who are unjust could only see when they see the punishment, that to Allah belongs all powers, and verily Allah is severe in punishment.

10. According to Bihar ul Anwar, if husband is taking interest in another woman, gambling and drinking etcetera, the wife should recite a 2 rak-at salat and in each rak-at after reciting surah al Fatihah, recite :
i) Verse 7 of al Mumtahinah

He has put affection between their hearts. Had you spent all that is in the earth you could not have put affection between their hearts, but Allah put affection between them; verily He is mighty, wise. It may be that Allah will create friendship between you and those whom you hold as enemies. Allah is all-powerful. Allah is oft-forgiving, ever-merciful.
ii) Say 70 times :
O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the progency of Muhammad, as many as those who beseech You to send blessings on him.
iii) Then recite the following dua’a 27 times:

O my Allah, let (mention husband’s name) heart grow soft and gentle just as You melt the iron for Dawud, peace be on him, and make him mild and yielding to me just as You made the winds tractable and submissive to Sulayman son of Dawud, peace be on both of them, and put love between Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be on him and on his children) and Khadijah (blessings of Allah be on her), and between Ali (peace be on him) and Fatimah Zahra, blessings of Allah be on her, O the most beneficent.

Wazifa For Love Marriage - Pasand ki Shadi ka Wazifa

Here is wazifa for love marriage, if you want to do love marriage and you are facing problems from both sides from girl parents and your parents please try this wazifa for marriage. For those boys who want to marry the girl they love, girl wants to marry boy she loves. so this wazifa is helpful in both cases.

All you need to do is:

Read these Aayaats After morning prayer ( Fajar ) 61 times, After Zohar 71 times. After Asar 81 times After Maghrib 91 times and last After Esha 101 times. Then do Dua, you will be successful in your aim soon Inshallah.
Larka ya larki ki shadi ka wazifa
Roman Urdu:
Pasand ki shadi karnay ka wazifa ain ayaat ko parhen Allah pasand ki shadi ki surat paida kar day ga jo larka aur larki sab kay lia ye mufeed hai.

Wazeefa For Early Marraige

If some one wants to marry as early as possible in a good family,one should follow the steps given below for dis wazifa

Note: This wazeefa can be done by ones parents also
1-Read Darood-e-ibrahimi 11 times
2-Read the ayat (given below)
3-Read Darood-e-ibrahimi 11 times at d end also
4-Repeat dis procedure for 11 days
By the blessings of Allah`s ayat u will get ur desired resulths...INSHALLAH



Tested Wazeefa (for Girl's Marriage): 


2)  If it is a young man that is looking to get married my naseeha is he should read “SURAH: YASEEN at Fajr namaz. Inshallah best proposal will come. On the other hand 70 needs are fulfilled a day when SURAH: YASEEN is read at Fajr and worldly needs are met also.”

3)Your son or daughter is old enough to get married but you can’t find the right person for him / her. You are old enough to get married and you want to get married but you see no chance of getting any proposal in near future.

Remedy: Recite Surrah Maryam once after Isha (Prayer Isha – After 9:00 PM) for 40 days and ask in prayers that you need a good partner for you and you want to get married. Parents can also do this and ask in prayers for good proposal for their son / daughter (who they want to be getting married).

Note:Quranic verses affect mind and soul. You may feel dizziness, laziness while recitation of ‘Sorah Maryam’ repeatedly daily. Some people pass out when they recite this in this way. Don’t stop. Keep doing it. This may occur or may not. It depends how strong your mind is. Complete 40 days. After 40 days or before you will get proposal for marriage from somewher

Monday, 22 April 2013

Wazifa for Love Between Husband and Wife

Recite wazifa 100 times and blow over the salt and use this salt in any curry. There will be a love in between husband and wife Inshallah . Recite 3 times Dorood  Shareef before and after of wazifa.  Wazifa is as under:-

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

"Ya Lateefu" wazifa for marriage

1. After Esha Salaah. recite Durood Shareef 11 times, followed by "يا لطيف" (Ya Lateefu) 111 times, and again Durood Shareef 11 times. Thereafter make du'a to Allaah, inshaAllaah, Allaah will make matters easy for you. (Mufti Yusuf Ludhyanwi Saahib, Khawaateen Ke Masaa'il aur unka Hal)

2. Write verses 131 and 132 of Surah Tahaa (Surah 20) and tie it on to your right upper arm. (A'maal-e-Qur'aani, Molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi)

3. Recite Surah al-Mumtahinah (Surah 60) once daily for 21 consecutive days, after Esha Salaah and blow on your forehead. (Qur'aani Mustajaab Du'aaein, Darul Uloom Kanthaariyah)

4. Recite verse 36 of Surah Yaseen (Suran 36) 121 times every night.

5. Recite "Rabbi innee limaa anzalta ilayya min kharin faqeer" (a part of verse 24 of Surah 28) 113 times, followed by the recitation of Surah ad-Dhuha (Surah 93) 3 times, from the first till the eleventh of every Islamic Month. Continue this for three months.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Marriage Wazaif

Marriage Wazifa for every single one: 
If any person want to have with a pious partner, with the Blessed Waseelah Of Habib Pak Sallal Laahu Ta’ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam then one should have to recite this dua daily for 7, 11 or 13 times daily along Darood e Paak 7 times before and after this Dua. At the end with the firm belief do Dua for oneself. With the Blessed Waseelah Of Habib Pak Sallal Laahu Ta’ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam, Insha Allah Azzawajal it will givesmarvelous results( effective both for boys and girls) Rabbana Hablana min azwaajina wadhurriy-yatina, qurrata ‘ayioni wa-jalna lil-muttaqeena Imaama “Our Lord, soothe our eyes with our wives and our children, and make us leaders of the pious.”

 Marriage Wazifa Just for Girls:
 1. This wird is only for girls, To be recited 11 times daily along Darood Paak before and after it. Must be read it until the day Of Nikaah and at the end ask dua. Insha Allah Azzawajal you will get a pious partner (Husband) according to the Will of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala 

In English
Wa min kullay shai’in zowjaini La Allakum tazakkaruna .Allah Humma bi Haqqi qauwlika Haaza wa Bi Hurmati Nabbiyika Muhammadi Sallal Laahu Ta’ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam an tarzuqani(name of the girl if the girl is not reciting for herself) zauwjan Saaliham Muwafiqan ghaira muhalifin bay haqqi Sayyidina wa Mauwlana Muhammadiwin’ wa Aalyhi Ajmaeen.

 Wazifa for Parents for the Marriage of their Children:
One (either mother or father) should have to recite it on daily basis, until the problem is solved.

Recite 11 times Darood Paak before and after.

Its very better to recite this powerful verse for your problem 313 times, preferably after Ishaa Salaat but you can also do it whenever free if you are having difficulties to recite it after Ishaa Salaat.
After the completion of this wird do Pray, Insha Allah very soon you will get the desired results according to the will of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.
the Ayaah is following:

In English
‘Amman Yujību Al-Muđţarra ‘Idhā Da`āhu Wa Yakshifu As-Sū’a ‘

Necessary Notes:

1.No doubt All type of Wazaif and Wirds have 100 percent results but the need is that one who is going to start them ,,,he/she should be very punctual in his/her Salaats, having proper beliefs regarding Islaam Sharia’ah( belonging to Ahle Sunnat Jama’at, one shoulld have to be very contented with Allah’s Decision ,,,means to say having Kaamil Imaan in Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala.and one should try to avoid to suffer others(Muslims) from his/her act, hand , tongue… Insha Allah Azzawajal then see the results…… they will be superb.

2.These wazaif have positive effects , if the problems are genuine and legal and if these are used for any type of wrong purposes, then it has reverse effects on the situation..and can be harmful for such person in many be very clear and aware before going to use it…….what shari’ah says……Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala knows very well about our intentions and Niyyats(matter of hearts).

3.consistency is also a basic rule to recite any Wazaif , Wirds or Daroods to get its maximum benefits….any Tasbeeh or Wird gives vital results when it exceeds 300 times,so its very better to choose any one according to your choice and ease and try to be consistent and stick on it.

4.Always do Dua after making proper Isslae Thawaab and ask Your Duas from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. Aameen Ya Rabbal Aalmin , Ya Mjeebuddawaat , Ya Samiud-dua,Wa Ya Ahamarrahimin. Sallu Alal Habib.

Marriage Wazifa for everyone whose marriage is bounded by any type of difficulty:

If any virgin girl or boy facing difficulty in one’s marriage due to the finance problem or that one is not able to get the fitted spouse for him/her or having any type of Bandish (obstacle) in Marriage then parents (either mother or father should have to do the following Aamaal).

Mother or father should have to wake up after midnight (preferably at 2 am)….and after making wazzu, with full and firm belief in Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala one should have to read 2 Cycles Nafil and after it without talking to any one else should have to read “Ya Khabeeru” 823 times…(remember to recite 11 times Darood Paak) before and after of it and do dua and see its amazing and marvelous results.

Marriage Wazifa for everyone:

1*One should have to recite after Ishaa prayer or before going to sleep, 41 times Ayat Ul Kursi, 11 times Darood shareef before and after of this wird and make dua for anything you want , any difficulty to disappear or for its solution, specifically its good even for job or marriage etc, Insha Allah it works.

2* Do recite 41 times Surah Ikhlas after Isha Prayer 11 times Darood shareef before and after of this wird for ninety(90) days for marriage.

Marriage Wazifa for Girls whose marriage is bounded due to any type of difficulty:

Some virgin girls have problems in getting married due to some bandish/hurdles because of the bad eye, jealousy, or magic effects. so particularly the girls who are suffering from such type of problems , this Blessed Wird is indeed a great blessing for them Insha Allah.

This wird is attested several times even on those Girls who are aged and 100 % guaranteed. One should have to recite Suraah Jummah 21 times,(11 times Darood Paak) before and after of this Wird. Consecutively 3 Fridays..means to say just on each Friday One should have to recite it. and Select the Friday on after the Islamic Month starts,,,for it the Best to choose the first Friday ,,if not possible then 2nd Friday of Islamic Month.

If the Girl find it difficult or due to some other genuine reason she could not be able to do it personally then her Mother , father , sister or Brother can do this Amal/Wird for her. 

Note: If you people have already some pious and right Rishtaa (proposal) in mind then do it with this Niiyah(intention). Otherwise do it generally for the Proposal attainment.
Insha Allah Azzawajal with in the one Month Proposals will come for her and her marriage will be made with the suitable Spouse(Husband)

Marriage Wazaaif for everyone:

1.For Marriage :
Read 100 times ” Ali-ul-Azim ” & 3 times Ayat-ul-Qursi after every Namaz ,starting & ending with 3 times Darood shareef than pray to Allah.

2.For Marriage of Virgin Girl :

Recite ” Ya-Lateefo ” 100 times after Isha , starting & ending with 3 times Darood sahrif then pray to Allah.

3. For Marriage :

Recite ” Ya-Lateefo ” 129 times in Sajda after Maghrib, starting & ending with 3 times Darood sahrif.

4. For Marriage :

Recite ” Ya-Lateefo ” 800 times daily , before & afterwith 11 times Darood sahrif than pray to Allah.

5.For Marriage :

Virgin girl / virgin boy recite ” 41 times Surah Yaseen ” before & after with 3 times Darood shareef & pray .Recite forconsecutive 21 days & remember start on Friday.

Marriage Wazaif for everyone:

1.For Marriage :
Recite 21 times ” Suraah -Alam-Nasra ” after Zohar for 11 days.
2. For Marriage :
Recite 41 times ” Suraah-Al-Mozammill ” on Friday after Isha & pray for marriage.
3.For Marriage :
Recite ” Ayatul Kursi 21 times & 1 Tasbeeh of Darood Sahrif & 1 Tasbeeh of Istighfaar Daily ” after every Namaz. For Wishes : Recite ” 786 times Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem & 786 times Darood Sahrif ” & pray for wishes..

Salat ul Haajat for Marriage:

After the Ishaa prayer on Monday, with fresh ablution and in privacy say a 4 rakah prayer with one salaam with the intention for seeking the fulfillment of a need.
1st Rakah
Surah Fatiha then Surah Ikhlas 10 times
2nd Rakah
Surah Fatiha then Surah Ikhlas 20 times
3rd Rakah
Surah Fatiha then Surah Ikhlas 30 times
4th Rakah
Surah Fatiha then Surah Ikhlas 40 times respectively

After saying Salam don’t talk to anyone and recite whole heatedly the following respectively:

Surah Ikhlas 75 times,

Istaghfar(Allahum Aig-fr-li ) 75 times .

Durood Shareef 75 times,

Then pray for marriage (best) , if you do not see any response , read again on Monday.
Insha Allah you will surely get success. In any case with humility and respectfully with a pure heart and you are halaal (legal) in every manner then your prayers are sure to be answered Insha’Allah.

Very easy wazifa to do. You will be married inshallah within 21 days.

‘After every Fajr salah recite Ayet no 36 of surah yasin 100 times. Darood 1 time before and after. Then do a dua for yourself or for your son or daughter.

Anyone can do this vazife. You can do it for your brother, sister or even a friend. Continue until you are married or the person you are doing it for, gets married. The duration of this Wazifa is 21 days minimum.’


It works each time any one has ever done it.

It can also be done by anyone for anyone.

Everyday at a fixed time and fixed place recite:
Darood/Salavat 11 times.
Surah Rehman 3 times daily
Darood/Salavat 11 times.

Please do it until you or your daughter gets married. I repeat time has to fixed and the place as well.
Always do a dua after recitinging. If you are doing it for another person please take their name in the dua.
Insallah with in 21 days you or the person you doing it for, will get married.

If you are not getting married please recite this Ayet 24 hours a day in your mouth all the time. With wudu or without wudu. You are clean or not clean. Just keep on reading it. For women even if you have periods don’t stop. Inshallah with in days you will get married.

Surah Yusuf, Ayet no 86 [image]

“Inna ma asku wa bassi wa huzni ilallah”

This is the famous dua of the Prophet Yaqub (Alai his salam). It works like fire if you are adhering to 5 times salah and Islamic laws. You will get married within few weeks
Inshallah .

Do not doubt the power of duas told in Quran.

1. Durood/Salavat 11 times 2. Surah Mumtahina(=Surah 60, has only 13 verses) 7 times
3. Durood/Salavat 11 times..
              then do a dua.
4. Do this for 41 days. Inshallah you will get married within 41 days. Continue even if you get married. You must complete 41 days. that is the condition of this wazifa.”

If you are not getting married for some reason, for 21 days read this Ayet 1000 times each day.
Darood 11 times
Surah Furqan Ayet no 54………….1000 times


Durood 11 times Insallah you will be married with in 21 days. This is a tried and tested wazifa.

You will get married in 21 days if you do this vazifa. You do it and see the effects yourself. Don’t doubt it, just trust Allah and the power of Quran. You will see. Even if you get married in these 21 days please do not stop. Complete it for 21 days. After getting married your niyet is for shukkur and don’t forget to distribute some sweets to Kids.

1. Durood/Salavat 11 times
2. 319 times Ayet no 1, 2, and 3 of Surah Al-Imran.
3. Do not read them separately 319 times but read all 3 Ayets as one Ayet.

Durood/Salavat 11 times
Then do a dua like this ….
“Ya Allah I want to marry some one of your choice who is suitable for me”. 

Salat ul Haajat for Marriage:

After the Ishaa prayer on Monday, with fresh ablution and in privacy say a 4 rakah prayer with one salaam with the intention for seeking the fulfillment of a need.
1st Rakah= Surah Fatiha then Surah Ikhlas 10 times
2nd Rakah= Surah Fatiha then Surah Ikhlas 20 times
3rd Rakah= Surah Fatiha then Surah Ikhlas 30 times
4th Rakah= Surah Fatiha then Surah Ikhlas 40 times

After saying Salam don’t talk to anyone and recite whole heartedly the following respectively:

Surah Ikhlas 75 times, Istaghfar(Allahum Aig-fr-li ) 75 times . Darood Shareef 75 times,

Then pray for marriage (best) , if you do not see any response , read again on Monday. Insha Allah you will surely get success. In any case with humility and respectfully with a pure heart and you are halaal (legal) in every manner then your prayers are sure to be answered Insha’Allah.